Geographies of Poverty and Social Exclusion
Semester: 6th, 8th | Optional | ECTS: 5.0
Module leader: Papadopoulos G. Apostolos
Semester: 6th, 8th | Optional | ECTS: 5.0
Module leader: Papadopoulos G. Apostolos
The main objective of the module is the use of methodological and theoretical tools of human geography that the students learned at earlier years of their studies so that they approach the complex issues of poverty and social exclusion in Europe and Third World countries.
Moreover, the factors contributing to poverty and social exclusion will be analyzed both at national and global level. At the same time, the impact of those issues is considered on social cohesion, social conflicts and evolution of modern societies.
More specifically, this module offers a multilevel theorization of social divisions and inequalities, as they can be expressed at various spatial levels. The module also pursues the integrated approach of socioeconomic and spatial phenomena by using particular examples from the developed and less developed countries.
Presentation of basic concepts such as social inequalities, social divisions, social exclusion, poverty, marginalization and regional inequalities. Issues of measurement and limitations of basic concepts. Class theorization, social divisions and the timeliness of class inequalities. Recent discussions on race and racism.
The gender dimension. Ethnic divisions, religious divisions and minorities. Welfare state and policies of the European Union for combating social exclusion. Regionalism and marginalization in Europe. Poverty and social exclusion in Third World (Africa, Asia and Latin America). Analyzing examples of social exclusion in Europe.
Good practices and social inclusion in Europe and elsewhere in the developed world. Economic crisis and the rapture of social bonds: examples from Southern Europe and Latin America. Stregnthening social cohesion through social solidarity initiatives and the development of social economy. The role of NGOs and of social movements today.
Classes and tutorials for presentations and delivering a written assignment. Written exam, oral presentation and submission of a written assignment.
1st Semester | Winter | 30 ECTS
2st Semester | Spring | 30 ECTS
3rd Semester | Winter | 30 ECTS
4th Semester | Spring | 30 ECTS
5th Semester | Winter | 30 ECTS
6th Semester | Spring | 30 ECTS
Set Ι - Physical Geography
Set ΙΙ - Human Geography
Set ΙΙΙ - Spatial Planning
Set IV - Geoinformatics
Additional Modules
7th Semester | Winter | 30 ECTS
Set Ι - Physical Geography
Set ΙΙ - Human Geography
Set ΙΙΙ - Spatial Planning
Set IV - Geoinformatics
Additional Modules
8th Semester | Spring | 30 ECTS
or alternatively
Set Ι - Physical Geography
Set ΙΙ - Human Geography
Set ΙΙΙ - Spatial Planning
Set IV - Geoinformatics
Additional Modules
Geography Department
Harokopio University
Eleftheriou Venizelou Ave., 70
GR-176 76 Kallithea | Athens | Greece
Undergraduate Secretariat:
t: +30 210 95 49 150
t: +30 210 95 49 151
f: +30 210 95 49 376
Postgraduate Secretariat:
t: +30 210 95 49 325
f: +30 210 95 49 376
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