Hydrology – Water Resources Μanagement
Semester: 4th | Compulsory | ECTS: 5.0
Module leader: Karymbalis Efthimios
Semester: 4th | Compulsory | ECTS: 5.0
Module leader: Karymbalis Efthimios
The course is an introduction to basic issues of Hydrology such as the hydrologic cycle and estimation techniques of hydrologic parameters.
Among the main objectives of the course is to empower students in better understanding of the hydrologic cycle on the earth, the knowledge of which is of particular importance for the integrated management of water resources of a catchment. The course also considers some of the practical aspects of collecting, analysing and estimating water cycle parameters for a drainage basin.
Lecture: Definition and scope of Hydrology. The hydrologic cycle, methodologies of estimation of the hydrologic parameters (precipitation, runoff, evaporo-transpiration, infiltration, and runoff) values.
Methods of flood discharge estimation. Floods and flood control. Additionally, water recourses and water resources management issues are discussed and analyzed (Athens water supply system, natural and human induced floods, water resources management in Greece and Europe).
Laboratory: Quantitative estimation of the parameters of the hydrological cycle of a drainage basin, located in the North Peloponnese, using 20 years time period climatic data.
Duration: 13 weeks, lectures 1 hour / week and laboratory tutorials 2 hours/week. This happens for the first 6 weeks where the course of Hydrology is provided. Laboratory tutorials include five exercises, regarding estimation of precipitation, infiltration, evaporo-transpiration and runoff for a specific drainage basin. Exercises are handed out during the class (usually every week). Attendance of the laboratory tutorials is compulsory.
For the rest weeks of the semester water resources management issues are given (3hours / week lectures). Regarding water resources management a written work is required and is given by the end of the Semester.
Assessment method is a written exam at the end of the 6 first weeks of the Semester, after the lessons of Hydrology (30%). Implementation of the 5 Hydrology laboratory works counts for the 20% of the final result while the final written work of Water Resources Management counts for the 50% of the final result.
1st Semester | Winter | 30 ECTS
2st Semester | Spring | 30 ECTS
3rd Semester | Winter | 30 ECTS
4th Semester | Spring | 30 ECTS
5th Semester | Winter | 30 ECTS
6th Semester | Spring | 30 ECTS
Set Ι - Physical Geography
Set ΙΙ - Human Geography
Set ΙΙΙ - Spatial Planning
Set IV - Geoinformatics
Additional Modules
7th Semester | Winter | 30 ECTS
Set Ι - Physical Geography
Set ΙΙ - Human Geography
Set ΙΙΙ - Spatial Planning
Set IV - Geoinformatics
Additional Modules
8th Semester | Spring | 30 ECTS
or alternatively
Set Ι - Physical Geography
Set ΙΙ - Human Geography
Set ΙΙΙ - Spatial Planning
Set IV - Geoinformatics
Additional Modules
Geography Department
Harokopio University
Eleftheriou Venizelou Ave., 70
GR-176 76 Kallithea | Athens | Greece
Undergraduate Secretariat:
t: +30 210 95 49 150
t: +30 210 95 49 151
f: +30 210 95 49 376
E-mail: geosec@hua.gr
Postgraduate Secretariat:
t: +30 210 95 49 325
f: +30 210 95 49 376
E-mail: geosecpost@hua.gr
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