Geoinformatics and Cartography laboratory
The Geoinformatics and Cartography laboratory is a geospatial analysis and mapping facility in the Department of Geography at Harokopio University of Athens. The Geoinformatics and Cartography laboratory is located in the Library building (level 2) on Harokopio University campus in Athens, Greece. This facility provides an environment where academic staff, students, postgraduate students and technicians work in cooperation to transfer knowledge and skills to students, and the local community, through education, training and lifelong learning courses as well as to conduct applied research that focuses on the topics of Geoinformatics, Cartography, Geographical Information Systems, Remote Sensing, Spatial and Statistical analysis.
The Laboratory is equipped with 20 workstations, plotter, digitizer and scanner A0, printers and scanners A4, as well as with advanced commercial and freeware software packages (e.g. ArcGIS 10.x, Q-GIS, SAGA, Matlab, SPSS, GeoDa, GWR, R, ENVI, ILWIS, GAMMA, SNAP).
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Geography Department
Harokopio University
Eleftheriou Venizelou Ave., 70
GR-176 76 Kallithea | Athens | Greece
Contact Details
Undergraduate Secretariat:
t: +30 210 95 49 150
t: +30 210 95 49 151
f: +30 210 95 49 376
Postgraduate Secretariat:
t: +30 210 95 49 325
f: +30 210 95 49 376
Harokopio University
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