Tsanakas Konstantinos
Assistant Professor | Physical Geography - Geomorphology
Assistant Professor | Physical Geography - Geomorphology
Office 2 | New Building
Department of Geography
Harokopio University
El. 70 Venizelou, Kallithea, 17671, Athens
Tel.: [+30] 210 95 49 188
Email: ktsanakas [at] hua [dot] gr
Geomorphological Mapping
Quaternary Geology – Geoarchaeology
Natural Processes, Hazards and Disasters
Coastal Zones Natural Hazards
Scopus ID: 55748197900
Geography Department
Harokopio University
Eleftheriou Venizelou Ave., 70
GR-176 76 Kallithea | Athens | Greece
Undergraduate Secretariat:
t: +30 210 95 49 150
t: +30 210 95 49 151
f: +30 210 95 49 376
E-mail: geosec@hua.gr
Postgraduate Secretariat:
t: +30 210 95 49 325
f: +30 210 95 49 376
E-mail: geosecpost@hua.gr
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