Undergraduate Studies

The complete guide


Postgraduate Studies

The complete guide


Welcome – A word from the department’s chair

Geography is the science which inquires the way the environment is shaped by natural processes and how the human being leaves a positive or negative imprint on it. It also studies how cultures and societies take shape and are influenced by the environment where they grow. Geography covers a broad scientific field which intersects with a number of various fields, as geomorphology, climatology, cartography, GIS Geographical Information Systems science, remote sensing, urban and regional development, demography, as well as political, economic, social, historical and cultural geography.

This very cross-disciplinary character of geography as scientific field, the range of knowledge and skills the geographer acquires alongside the ability of associating ideas he shall develop, make Geography a highly attractive field of study. Nowadays, at the first cycle of study (undergraduate level), priority tends to be given to wide ranging knowledge and knowledge facilitating multifaceted and general approach of scientific topics, while specialization is being acquired later in academic life, at a post-graduate level of study.

Having completed his studies, the graduate from the Harokopio University Department of Geography is provided with knowledge and skills so that he can address topics in various ways. While he is able to understand some of the most important issues the mankind has to face, should they appertain to human or to physical geography, as in the following specific topics:

Human – environment interaction, natural and human induced hazards, climate change, demography and population fluctuations, migration, spatial planning, country management and design, remote sensing. Furthermore, through fieldwork and laboratory practice, our Graduates have acquired the technical skills needed for sampling surveys and research, data statistical analysis, visualization and mapping.

Professor Petros Katsafados
Head of the Geography Department

Recent Announcements – News

  • NEW Master Program Applied Geoinformatics17/03/2025 - 6:07 pm

    – Quality assurance policy – The Study Guide of the new MSc program – The Course Outlines of the new MSc program – The Internal Operating Regulations of the new MSc program – Regulations for Studies, Internship, Mobility, and Thesis Writing  – Regulation for the operation of the student complaints and appeals management mechanism – […]


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  • NEW Master’s Program – Climate crisis, risks and disasters14/05/2024 - 4:58 pm

    Quality assurance policy The Study Guide of the new MSc program  The Course Outlines of the new MSc program  The Internal Operating Regulations of the new MSc program Regulations for Studies, Internship, Mobility, and Thesis Writing  Regulation for the operation of the student complaints and appeals management mechanism Regulation for the operation of the Academic […]

  • Εγγραφές Πρωτοετών Μεταπτυχιακών Φοιτητών Ακαδημαϊκού έτους 2021-202201/10/2021 - 1:44 pm

    Οι εγγραφές των επιτυχόντων στο ΠΜΣ «Εφαρμοσμένη Γεωγραφία και Διαχείριση του Χώρου» θα πραγματοποιηθούν από 04 Οκτωβρίου έως 12 Οκτωβρίου 2021  με τα εξής δικαιολογητικά: Αίτηση εγγραφής (Διατίθεται στην ιστοσελίδα) 1 ψηφιακή φωτογραφία Φωτοαντίγραφο αστυνομικής ταυτότητας Απόδειξη κατάθεσης της α’ δόσης των διδάκτρων ύψους 400,00€ Το σύνολο των απαραίτητων δικαιολογητικών αποστέλλονται ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΝΙΚΑ προς τη Γραμματεία του ΠΜΣ (Για επιπλέον πληροφορίες […]

Undergraduate Program of Studies

1st Year
2nd Year


3rd Semester | Winter | 30 ECTS

  1. Environmental Management | C | 5
  2. Thematic Cartography | C | 5
  3. Qualitative Methods of Analysis in Geography | C | 5
  4. Spatial Analysis | C | 5
  5. Population Geography & Demography | C | 5
  6. Meteorology-Climatology | C | 5

4th Semester | Spring | 30 ECTS

  1. Political Geography | C | 5
  2. Urban Geography  | C | 5
  3. Rural Geography | C | 5
  4. Photointerpretation-Remote Sensing | C | 5
  5. Hydrology – Water Resources management | C | 5
  6. Geomorphology | C | 5
3rd Year


5th Semester | Winter | 30 ECTS

  1. Regional Development | C | 5
  2. Cultural Geography  | C | 5
  3. Economic Geography | C | 5
  4. Geographical Information Systems I | C | 5
  5. Regional Planning | C | 5
  6. Oceanography | C | 5

6th Semester | Spring | 30 ECTS

  1. Synthetic Geographical Project | C | 5
  2. Environmental Impact Assessment | C | 5
  3. 4 Elective Modules | Ε | 4x5


Set Ι - Physical Geography

  1. Climate Change | Ε | 5
  2. Coastal Geomorphology - Coastal Management | Ε | 5
  3. Biogeography | Ε | 5
  4. Quaternary Geology - Geoarchaeology | Ε | 5
  5. Environmental Management Tools | Ε | 5
  6. Management of Natural Disasters | Ε | 5
  7. Geomorphological Mapping | Ε | 5
  8. Renewable Energy Sources | Ε | 5


Set ΙΙ - Human Geography

  1. Spatial Economics | Ε | 5
  2. Location Applications | Ε | 5
  3. Geographies of Poverty and Social Exclusion | Ε | 5
  4. Historical Geography of Ancient and Modern Times | Ε | 5
  5. Population: Economy and Politics | Ε | 5
  6. International Migration | Ε | 5
  7. The Economic History of a Globalized World | Ε | 5
  8. Geography of Globalized Production Networks | Ε | 5


Set ΙΙΙ - Spatial Planning

  1. Sustainable, Resilient and Safe Cities | E | 5
  2. Urban-Spatial Planning | E | 5


Set IV - Geoinformatics

  1. Geographical Information Systems ΙΙ | 5
  2. Geoinformatics Applications Development | Ε | 5
  3. GNSS Technology and Navigation | Ε | 5
  4. Special Topics in Spatial Analysis | Ε | 5
  5. Applied Geographical Information Systems | Ε | 5


Additional Modules

  1. Placement | Ε | 10
  2. Themes in Geography ΙΙ | Ε | 5


4th Year


7th Semester | Winter | 30 ECTS

  1. Εlective Modules | Ε | 6x5


Set Ι - Physical Geography

  1. Environmental Policy | E | 5
  2. Waste Management in the Circular Economy | E | 5
  3. Fluvial Geomorphology | E | 5
  4. Ecosystem Services- Assessment and Mapping | E | 5


Set ΙΙ - Human Geography

  1. Geography of the European Union | E | 5
  2. Special Topics in Spatial Economic Analysis | E | 5
  3. Sociospatial Hierarchies & Inequalities | E | 5
  4. Spatial Dimension of Small Entrepreneurship | E | 5


Set ΙΙΙ - Spatial Planning

  1. Geography of Transport and Infrastructure | E | 5
  2. Spatial Analysis Application in Real Estate Management | E | 5


Set IV - Geoinformatics

  1. Remote Sensing Applications | E | 5
  2. Statistical and Numerical Methods | E | 5
  3. Applied Geoinformation in Environmental Management | E | 5


Additional Modules

  1. Placement | Ε | 10
  2. Themes in Geography I | Ε | 5

8th Semester | Spring | 30 ECTS

  1. 2 Εlective modules | Ε | 2x5
  2. Dissertation | Ε | 20

or alternatively

  1. 6 Εlective Modules | Ε | 6x5


Set Ι - Physical Geography

  1. Climate Change | Ε | 5
  2. Coastal Geomorphology - Coastal Management | Ε | 5
  3. Biogeography | Ε | 5
  4. Quaternary Geology - Geoarchaeology | Ε | 5
  5. Environmental Management Tools | Ε | 5
  6. Management of Natural Disasters | Ε | 5
  7. Geomorphological Mapping | Ε | 5
  8. Renewable Energy Sources | Ε | 5


Set ΙΙ - Human Geography

  1. Spatial Economics | Ε | 5
  2. Location Applications | Ε | 5
  3. Geographies of Poverty and Social Exclusion | Ε | 5
  4. Historical Geography of Ancient and Modern Times | Ε | 5
  5. Population: Economy and Politics | Ε | 5
  6. International Migration | Ε | 5
  7. The Economic History of a Globalized World | Ε | 5
  8. Geography of Globalized Production Networks | Ε | 5


Set ΙΙΙ - Spatial Planning

  1. Sustainable, Resilient and Safe Cities | E | 5
  2. Urban-Spatial Planning | E | 5


Set IV - Geoinformatics

  1. Geographical Information Systems ΙΙ | 5
  2. Geoinformatics Applications Development | Ε | 5
  3. GNSS Technology and Navigation | Ε | 5
  4. Special Topics in Spatial Analysis | Ε | 5
  5. Applied Geographical Information Systems | Ε | 5


Additional Modules

  1. Placement | Ε | 10
  2. Themes in Geography ΙΙ | Ε | 5


Postgraduate Programme “Applied Geography and Spatial Planning”

Stream Α’
Stream B’
Stream C’

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